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If you want to become more peaceful as you get older, say goodbye to these 6 habits



As we journey through life, we all aspire to grow wiser, more content, and find our inner peace.

But have you ever noticed how some people seem to become more peaceful as they age, while others tend to struggle with maintaining a tranquil state of mind?

Here’s the reality.

The difference might just lie in certain habits that we unknowingly hold onto.

These habits, my friend, might be the very obstacles standing between you and the serene life you aspire to live as you age.

So, if you find yourself thinking, “How can I become more peaceful as I get older?”

It’s high time to bid adieu to these habits. Stay with me as we uncover them one by one.

Let’s dive in and start the journey towards a more peaceful you.

1) Letting go of the need to always be right
We all love being right, don’t we? But here’s a little secret.

The incessant need to always prove ourselves right can be more draining than we realize.

It breeds conflict, disrupts harmony, and robs us of our inner peace.

As we age, it becomes more important to choose peace over being right.

The next time you find yourself in a disagreement, try stepping back.

Ask yourself, “Is it more important to win this argument or maintain my serenity?”

Surrendering the need to always be right doesn’t mean you’re weak.

On the contrary, it displays your strength and wisdom in choosing tranquility over turmoil.

And trust me, the peace you’ll experience will be worth it.

2) Saying goodbye to unnecessary worry
A few years back, I used to be a chronic worrier. I’d fret about everything – from my career to my health, the future, you name it.

And guess what? It didn’t help me one bit.

Instead, it left me feeling exhausted, stressed out, and far from peaceful.

It took me a while to recognize this destructive habit and even longer to change.

But once I did, the transformation was remarkable.

So, if you’re a worrier like I was, take my word for it. Start taking baby steps towards letting go of unnecessary worry.

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You’ll be amazed by how much more peaceful your life can become.

3) Overcoming the fear of change
Confession time. I used to be terrified of change.

Whether it was moving to a new city, starting a new job, or even simple things like changing my daily routine, I’d freeze up.

But here’s the thing. Life is all about change.

It’s inevitable and constant. So, resisting it doesn’t do us any good. In fact, it only adds to our stress and robs us of our peace.

A couple of years ago, I decided it was time for me to face my fear head-on.

I started by making small changes in my daily routine and gradually worked my way up to bigger things.

And you know what? It wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be.

Instead, it was liberating. I found myself becoming more adaptable, more open-minded, and yes, more peaceful.

So, if you’re like me and have a fear of change, try embracing it instead. Remember, change isn’t always bad.

Often, it’s just a stepping stone to something better and more peaceful.

4) Quitting the habit of overthinking

Overthinking, my friends, is a peace-killer.

It traps us in our minds, creates problems that aren’t there, and amplifies our worries.

I used to be an overthinker myself.

I’d replay situations in my head again and again, analyze every word I said, and worry about what other people might think.

This habit didn’t serve me well. It only added to my stress and stripped me of my peace.

When I realized this, I decided to break free from this habit.

I started practicing mindfulness, focusing on the present moment, and keeping my mind occupied with positive thoughts.

Gradually, I noticed a significant improvement. My mind was calmer, and I felt more peaceful.

So if overthinking is something you struggle with, it’s time to let it go.

Trust me, your future peaceful self will thank you for it.
5) Cutting back on digital distractions
Digital distractions are everywhere these days.

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From our smartphones to our laptops, it’s easy to get sucked into the digital world and lose track of time.

Here’s something you may not know – research suggests that excessive screen time can lead to increased stress and anxiety.

In other words, these digital distractions could be stealing your peace without you even realizing it.

I found this to be true in my own life.

I noticed that I was spending an unhealthy amount of time on my phone, scrolling through social media, and checking emails.

Not only did this make me feel anxious, but it also took away my peace.

So, I decided to limit my screen time. Instead of constantly checking my phone, I set specific times for digital activities.

This gave me more control over my time and helped me regain my peace.

If you’re also struggling with digital distractions, try setting boundaries.

It might be challenging at first, but the peace of mind you’ll gain will be worth it.

6) Letting go of past regrets
We all have moments from our past that we’re not proud of, decisions we wish we could change, or things we wish we had done differently. I’m no exception.

There was a time when I let my past mistakes and regrets consume me.

It was like a shadow that followed me everywhere, casting a dark cloud over my peace of mind.

But then I realized something crucial. These regrets were in the past.

There was nothing I could do to change them. But what I could change was how I let them affect my present and future.

So, I decided to forgive myself, learn from my mistakes, and let go of these regrets.

It wasn’t an overnight process, but with time, it made a world of difference to my peace of mind.

If you also have a past that’s holding you back, remember this – it’s never too late to let go and move forward.

It’s one of the most liberating things you can do for your peace of mind.

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Embracing self-love and acceptance
At the heart of finding true peace as we age is the art of self-love and acceptance.

It’s about embracing who we are, with all our strengths and flaws, without any judgment.

For a long time, I battled with self-doubt and criticism.

I’d set unrealistic expectations for myself and beat myself up when I failed to meet them.

This self-inflicted pressure was detrimental to my peace.

When I started practicing self-love and acceptance, my perspective changed.

I began to see my worth, appreciate my journey, and found peace in being myself.

Practice this art each day.

Love yourself fiercely, accept yourself wholeheartedly, and watch as peace floods into your life like never before.

The final takeaway
If you’ve found yourself nodding along to these points, it’s likely that some of these habits have found a home in your life.

And that’s perfectly okay. We’re all works in progress.

The good news? These habits don’t have to be permanent residents.

With a bit of self-awareness and a sprinkle of determination, you can bid them goodbye and welcome peace in your life.

Begin by acknowledging your habits.

Once you’ve identified these patterns, take a moment to pause.

Ask yourself – is this habit serving my quest for peace? Is there a healthier alternative I can embrace instead?

Remember, change doesn’t happen instantly. It’s a gradual process.

But every step you take towards breaking these habits is a step towards a more peaceful you.

Embrace this journey with kindness and patience.

Celebrate your victories, no matter how small they may seem.

And remember, it’s okay to ask for help when the road gets tough.

With each passing day, you’ll find yourself becoming more peaceful, more content, and more in tune with yourself.

And before you know it, you’ll have transformed your life into a sanctuary of peace.

So here’s to embracing change, bidding goodbye to old habits, and welcoming the peace we all deserve as we age.

y Eliza Hartley

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